*Welcome Back Well-Read Chiefs'
-Book Bar
*Well-Read Chiefs' September Selections
*Welcome Back Well-Read Chiefs'
Craigmont High 2012-2013 school year will revel with a shot of literacy at the all new
Well-Read Chiefs' Book Bar
Well-Read Chiefs Cafe Serving up Literacy Lattes' all day
Craigmont High Library
*Well-Read Chiefs' September Selections
Well-Read Chiefs'
Students of the Well-Read Chiefs' (student book club) at Craigmont High School are reading Orange is the New Pink, by Nina Black for the month of September. Several members of Ladies Club at Craigmont High have received free books and will be discussing the book on
Tues. September 18, 2012
Well-Read Chiefs' Cafe
All New Book Bar Happy Hour
Craigmont High LibraryOther books of intereset this month for the Well-Read Chiefs' include the Thirst Series, Chrirtopher Pike, Yasmin Peace Series, Stephanie Perry Moore, Inheritance, the Vault of Souls, Christoper Paolini.
Blog about the selected book of the month or any of the other titles of interest.
Selected bloggers will recieve a free book for blogging.
Well-Read Chiefs (teachers etc.)
Wed. September 19, 2012
Well-Read Chiefs' Cafe
All New Book Bar Happy Hour
Craigmont High LibraryBlog about the selected book of the month.