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Well-Read Chiefs Cafe Grand Opening, Craigmont High &
Just Another Hero
Well-Read Chiefs Cafe Grand Opening, Craigmont High

December 9, 2012 Well-Read Chief Book Club Members at Craigmont High School kicked off the grand opening of their brand new cafe.
The Well-Read Chief Café, a component of the school–wide literacy plan and initiative to promote regular reading; and increase student achievement is housed in the Library Information Center of Craigmont High.

Tenth graders Jessica Morris and Kendall Davis did the honors of
cutting the ribbon. The ceremony was awesome. The schools’ choir beautifully sang delightful Christmas favorites, under the direction of Music Instructor, Dr. Campbell. DanQuaisha Swain (book club secretary, 10th grade student), Twins Anh Truong and Anh Meteor Truong (11th grade student), and Rose Zeng (10th grade all book club members) hosted the event. Tondrea Spivey, our school literacy coach was in attendance distributing books and greeting tenth graders as they walked the red carpet, receiving books and delicious culinary treats.
The scrumptious, red velvet cake pastries and delectable bites of the sort were prepared by the Star Café, under the direction of Ms. Jarchella Miller, Culinary Arts Instructor.
Mr. Kelly, Technology Instructor/Coordinator acted as the paparazzi for the day, taking photos of all that dared to shine on the red carpet in the light of literacy.
Santa Clause (Vincent Tharpe, Parent Liaison) and Mrs. Clause (Gloria Lucas, PTO Chair) showed up with elves, Erma Maben and Josette Kelley, parent volunteers. This Red Carpet Reading event was in line with our Parade of Giving which was also held on the same day. We joined in giving the gift of literacy. The holiday themed program lead way to our Writers and Readers in Winter series.

Thank you all so much for participating in the 2011-2012 MCS
RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) project. This was a great experience for our students to be exposed to and receive new and exciting
FREE books. The mission was give the gift of literacy by creating a book fair for high school tenth graders and encourage them to read. Based on our tenth grade enrollment (245) we ordered a total of 810 high interest books and novels for our scholars to choose from. Every tenth grader will receive one free book at every
RIF distribution date, totaling up to three books by the end of the school year.
Other news...
Well-Read Teens' Respond to Sharon Draper's Just Another Hero (the the final book in The Jericho Trilogy), December Selection.
We encourage you to get involved. Leave a comment, post your reflections and/or views on the selected title. Use the discussion topics on this site to aide in your writing process
Suggested titles are welcome.
~Literacy is Life~ Live!
Jeanine Jones